MINISTRY OF USHERS & GREETERS is seeking new recruits to serve in the various weekend Masses at the Cathedral and Carmelite Chapel. Volunteers who are interested to come forward to serve may contact the coordinator, Steven Gerard: 013-8247828.
FAITH FORMATION VOLUNTEERS NEEDED FOR ENGLISH CATECHISM SESSIONS- Parishioners are invited to volunteer as faith formators for English Catechism sessions to prepare children (ages between 7 to 17 years) for the Sacraments of Baptism, First Holy Communion and Confirmation. The Cathedral Parish is hoping to create smaller and more conducive learning atmosphere for our children. Those interested to share their Catholic faith are requested to contact Felix Chuo: 019-8598012 OR Sarah M-Lo: 012-8866160.
RECRUITMENT DRIVE - The 16th Kuching Company, The Boys’ Brigade (BB) and 13th Kuching Company, The Girls’ Brigade (GB) of the Cathedral Parish are inviting boys, girls and youths (ages between 8 to 21 years) to join them. Interested adults are also welcome to join them as Officers or Helpers.
Grounded in the dual foundations of Christian Faith and Discipline, both BB & GB seek to provide a meaningful and enjoyable programme that balances four dimensions in the lives of their members - Social, Physical, Educational & Spiritual (S.P.E.S.)
Their Weekly Parades / Meetings are held every Saturday from 2:00 pm to 5:00 pm at ground floor of St. Joseph’s Parish Centreas follows:
-Boys’ Brigade (BB) Weekly Parades: St. Augustine Room
-Girls’ Brigade (GB) Weekly Meetings: St. Paul Room
For more information, please contact Captain Desmond Chan (BB): 019-8168229 OR Captain Julita Chen (GB): 016-8968277
Parishioners may offer Mass online via the following links:
Type |
Online Registration Links |
MO |
If you face any difficulty registering using the above links, please email your queries to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and our admin staff will revert soonest.
MASS OFFERING (MO) intentions will be offered by our priests privately on a daily basis except on Sunday. Any request for a mass to be said for your prayer intention on a ‘specified’ date must be submitted to the Parish Office at least one week in advance. Otherwise, your prayer intentions will be offered up at any time (at the discretion of our priests).
Intentions for Combined Requiem Mass (CRM) in February will be offered on Friday, 28 February 2025. Please send in your CRM form with proof of payment by Thursday, 27 February 2025 before 12 noon.
Note: The stipend (money) given by the Christian faithful for a Mass to be offered for a particular intention is not a fee but an expression of our gratitude to God and our contribution to the Church. Official receipts will be issued by the Parish Office accordingly.
CATHOLIC FUNERAL & BURIAL SERVICE- The Catholic Mutual Benefit Society (CMBS) of the Kuching Archdiocese provides assistance to bereaved families at the time of death. Their services include providing advice regarding Christian rituals, cemetery plots, columbarium, caskets, transportation, arrangement for funeral masses, wake prayers for the dead, etc..
For more information regarding membership or in time of need / bereavement, Catholics are advised to contact the following persons for assistance to avoid unnecessary hassle and confusion with regards to Catholic funeral rites and services:
On-call: Christopher Chin (Hp: 019-8563438)
CMBS Office: Beatrice Mary Goh (Tel: 082-244493)